An Offbeat Take on Destiny

 Review by Ronica Wahi

Junction: Time’s Ticking

By L.A. Evans

First published: July 2, 2020, Elizabeth Guttridge.

Kindle Edition Pages: 254.


“Keep following your path but look out for side roads. Don’t let them pass you by.”

This is what an old lady co-passenger on a bus tells the protagonist and narrator Aisha Brown in Chapter 9 of Junction: Time’s Ticking by L.A. Evans. This advice is what Aisha keeps recalling, for she knows that even if only to a limited extent, she can exercise her will.

To a limited extent for sure, because this novel drills home the fact that there is only so much that an individual can control and decide, and must do what he or she is able to; destiny is what will chart out the major route and destination. This aspect of destiny is explored within the framework of the mysterious, and what the reader is offered is a ride on a thriller, albeit unlike the usual class of thrillers.

Aisha had a job she enjoyed and a family she loved. But as is true for everyone, getting everything in life is hardly possible. What Aisha desperately yearned for was to give birth to a child. That she could not was a devastating revelation. Little did she know that she was moments away from having her life turn topsy-turvy. The focal event of the narrative, the one depicted in the cover, occurred – a terrible accident. As Aisha woke up from her coma post this, she found that her life as she knew it was not hers anymore.

The site of the accident is a junction. The “Junction” in the title and the narrative becomes both literal and metaphorical. As Aisha herself writes in a letter, with which she encloses her story entitled Junction,

“The name represents the scene of the accident but also symbolizes the crossroads we’ve taken together and the crossroads of life and fate.”

This accident is just the beginning of a roller coaster ride for Aisha. There are a number of twists and turns that keep up the interest quotient for the reader. It is when Aisha is faced with these twists and turns that she can think of which side road to tread, and how swiftly for Time’s Ticking.

While it cannot be denied that what happens in the story is unbelievable – for the characters too, and some readers may even find it outlandish, the plot is distinct from the kind of thrillers one encounters. It, therefore, reads unlike what one expects of a thriller. As the plot unfolds bit by bit, and not all changes come in fast, the book flows at a measured pace. At the climax, when the tension within the story is at its highest, the pace is suitably quickened.

Adding variety and interest to the novel are coincidences – such as songs fit for the particular moments playing, hints of the inexplicable – such as the nagging feeling of something terrible awaiting her that Aisha had on the happiest day of her life a year before the fateful accident, and the nightmares which she tries to interpret.  One other angle that’s nice to read is so many people’s favourite one: love.💓 😊The novel talks of feeling how one has never really experienced love despite having believed oneself to have been in love since years, and of loving a person for what that person is.

Aisha is a fairly likeable character. Certain of her facets would make her quite relatable to some – such as longing for a sibling or a child, or being concerned about her physical appearance. But she also acts judgemental at times, tending to place herself on a pedestal. But then, which human being or believable fictional character is faultless? She is well-etched, and so are some of the other characters such as Zoe and Tom. Evans also makes an interesting choice in names of characters – for instance, Aisha means “life” (how symbolic that is can be understood after reading the novel), and Dr. Read is a doctor holding charge at one point of talking things through with Aisha and understanding her.

The language is fine and easy flowing. But there are a number of grammatical and punctuation errors as well as a few instances of missing words in sentences. There is also repetition of ideas in some parts. Just another round of careful proofreading could have eliminated these.

The novel is bound to leave the reader feeling restless, and perhaps more scared of the uncertainties of life, especially in view of the times we are currently inhabiting. On offer are some much explored ideas and some new ones. But all in all, Evans has made Junction: Time’s Ticking a refreshing read. This novel is certainly an achievement, more so since it’s a debut.


Review on "Junction: Still Ticking" (Junction Trilogy Book 2)

Review on "Junction: Time's Up" (Junction Trilogy Book 3)

Amazon India link for Junction: Time’s Ticking (Junction Trilogy Book 1) (Kindle):

Amazon India link for Junction: Still Ticking (Junction Trilogy Book 2) (Kindle):

Amazon India link for Junction: Time’s Up (Junction Trilogy Book 3) (Kindle):

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