A Powerful Rendering of the King Midas Story

 Review by Ronica Wahi

The Curse of King Midas

By Colleen M. Story

First published: May 13, 2024, Midchannel Press.

Pages: 426.

ISBN: 9780999099179

Spectacular is the story that Colleen M. Story has told! Vibrant, colourful, and arresting the tapestry she has woven!

The Curse of King Midas isn’t history or myth, but a mythological fantasy, and must be treated as such. It borrows from history, and myths and legends, and uses what it borrows beautifully. But what it essentially serves is an innovative, flavourful, and delectable preparation that has power struggles, politics, thirst for revenge, love, and magic as important ingredients.

The Prologue is gripping, and immediately draws the reader into the story and gets him /her invested in the fates of Karem – the future King Midas – and his little sister Elanur. The haunting scenes of the Prologue proudly showcase the writer’s gift of storytelling and of generating immense interest.

The book presents more dimensions to the figure of King Midas, who is often looked at only through the lens of the myth surrounding his wish of having the power to turn things into gold with a mere touch. Story plays with that myth and creates it afresh, without reducing the power and the intent of that myth.

The Curse of King Midas offers much else. Story, with her descriptive power, brings alive an ancient world that is enlivened by the presence of memorable characters – mortal and immortal. Scenes of celebrations, humour, war, conflict, pain are all equally well-crafted. The narrative has many twists; even when a twist is guessable, the way Story unfolds layers of the whole in style is remarkable.

The tale is thrilling, the writing powerful and fine, and the experience of moving through the narrative a worthy one for the reader, providing a satisfying return on his /her time investment. Not only will The Curse of King Midas leave the reader impressed, but also will leave him /her eager for Part 2!

Strongly recommended!


Do watch Colleen M. Story talk about her writing and her music; the crafting of The Curse of King Midas and how she has used history, myth, and fantasy to do so; the real King Midas; tips for writers; tips for time management; and more in this interview:


Do order your copy today!

Amazon India links for The Curse of King Midas:

Kindle: https://amzn.to/3S1OSU2

Paperback, Import: https://amzn.to/4bS7ZY5

Hardcover, Import: https://amzn.to/4cAj8O6


The Audiobook will be out soon!


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