Beautiful Thoughts to Mull Over

Review by Ronica Wahi Perfect Peace By Dr. Debaruna Ghosh First published: May 26, 2022, FanatiXx Publication. Pages: 111. ISBN: 978-9354527173 The creativity and the vitality of the orange; and the joy and the optimism of the yellow hues in a beautiful, serene setting that invites peaceful introspection and meditation over life form the first element that greets the reader as Dr. Debaruna Ghosh’s Perfect Peace is chosen for a read. This pretty cover designed by Abhijeet Ghosh is a perfect fit to the contents of the book. A hundred pieces - presented a piece a page – varying in length but each encompassed within a few lines mull over distinct factors that can fetch sometimes fleeting and sometimes lasting peace and contentment, and - only if just momentary – happiness. For instance, the first piece talks of how life becomes dreary, with an individual just functioning and working mechanically, monotonously without chasing dreams, and sleep is what brings such indi...