A Riveting Sequel

Review by Ronica Wahi Junction: Still Ticking (Junction Trilogy Book 2) By L.A. Evans First published: March 5, 2021, Lizzie Guttridge. Kindle Edition Pages: 405. ASIN: B08X4GPLPR The plot of this trilogy is unbelievable and outlandish, but there can be no doubt that this plot is also quite creative and unique, and that L.A. Evans is a gifted writer. Read detailed review on Junction: Time’s Ticking – Book 1 of this trilogy here . Book 2 tells the tale from the point of view of Zoe Young, and of course, takes the narrative forward too. To the credit of Evans, when the same incidents are related, it doesn’t seem like the reader knows just about everything already; there is much to learn about the whole affair. Certain instances are understood better as additional dimensions are revealed, as light is shed on some of the things that weren’t clear in their entirety or weren’t appreciated in the correct spirit in Book 1. The thriller runs at a good pace, with many twi...