A Scary Treat

Review by Ronica Wahi Behrupiya By Varsha Shrivastav First published: In parts, starting May 24, 2019, Pratilipi app. Edition reviewed: July 15, 2021, Ekatra – a joint imprint of Manjul and Pratilipi. Pages: 236. ISBN: 9789390924622 Stunning is the word. Fast-paced, thrilling, and deftly crafted, with all threads tightly tying up as it progresses, Varsha Shrivastav’s Behrupiya (the word can mean “impersonator” but in the present context, it means “shape-shifter”) is a shining achievement. Full of suspense, and interesting twists and turns every few pages, it keeps the reader hooked till the final page. There is no slack – the suspense unfolds gradually yet there is so much happening that putting the book down is not going to be easy. Scenes keep changing as distinct parts of the whole are showcased. Hints are thrown intermittently of what is going to come up further, and this factor just ups the thrill and curiosity to know stuff. Shrivastav pre...