Murder in Fuerteventura

Review by Ronica Wahi The Ghost of Villa Winter By Isobel Blackthorn First published: December 20, 2020, Gumshoe – A Next Chapter Imprint. Kindle Edition Pages: 269. ASIN: B08R3KDZ9R Canary Islands Mysteries Book 4 this is. The island of Fuerteventura does not offer a pleasure journey, but a frightful mystery as revealed by the title and the cover. No cause for hesitation if the first three books in the series are yet unread, for this is also a standalone piece of work. The positives first. The description of the ride to Villa Winter, the site where the crux of the tale is revealed when a body is discovered by the protagonist Clarissa Wilkinson and the once-successful-and-now-struggling crime fiction writer Richard Parry, is so vivid that the reader is as if taken along on the journey. The landscape, the scenery, the Villa Winter and other spaces are so deftly sketched that the reader can visualize the spaces. Much later in the book, as a trek on a d...