Thorns and Roses

Review by Ronica Wahi Melita By Gill D. Anderson First published: July 16, 2020, InHouse Publishing. Kindle Edition Pages: 165. ASIN: B08D66WSBF While there is a plethora of written work being produced on the corona pandemic and the imagined post-COVID world, Gill D. Anderson has come up with a novel where this unprecedented challenge faced by the human race plays the role of a catalyst in resolving strained relationships by drilling home the uncertainty of life and the necessity of holding close the ones who matter the most. Melita is the story of Melita and her daughter, Emily, and as the dedication says, is written “For mothers and daughters everywhere.”. Melita and Emily have not shared a close bond and the ties have been weakened over the years, with the relationship having reached “an impossible stalemate” by February 2020. With the mounting fear and restrictions on movement, regrets over what was not done to bolster their relationship seep in. In p...